EP 2: Sheridan Joins ‘The Lost Shards’

There comes a point in the life of a rogue where each day becomes more and more routine.



Bring justice to the wrongdoers!



Endure harassment.





And become the most wanted man in Britannia!

While this is all well and good it’s always nice to have a few friends but unfortunately, a life of crime and theft makes friendship near impossible. What would it be like to start over? from the beginning, before I stole my first mandrake root. Would it be more honorable to give up this life of crime and join the society of law abiding citizens? Perhaps I shall give it a try!


If I’m to turn myself around I need a new identity and a new image. I quickly make my way to the Moonglow tailor shop and pick out some new attire. One of these should do!


With some careful disguse kit work, a fancy haircut, and a new outfit I am herby known as Sheridan, Grandmaster Scholar and upstanding citizen of Britannia! Time to make some friends!


I had been in Britain not more than one minute when our friend “Frasier” calls me out! Was it my hair? an unfitting name? the fact that I attempted to disguise myself as a woman?



Luckily, our friend Frasier has a crippling alcohol addiction, I quickly come up with the best excuse I can think of, phew.



After a few minutes of asking around the crouded city of Britain, our friend ‘Suplex’ offers an invition to ‘The Lost Shards’, wonderful!


A few minutes pass and I see my very first guild message. Our friend Kalisperas is advertising some fine wares for sale. The simple phrase ‘for sale’ would have made the old Sheridan puke with disgust but alas, I’m a new man now, I jump at the opportunity to aid a fellow guildmate.


It was around this time that something came over me, something I couldn’t control. I opened my bank box to grab some funds for my new ally but my hands refused to lift the gold pieces! Insted, they reach deep into the pockets of our friend, pilfer the treasure map and secure it into the bank container all in the blink of an eye! To make matters worse, my hair began to change back into it’s natural color blowing my disguise! How can this possibly get any worse!?


Our ally quickly banks the second map. In an attempt to make matters right, I apologize and explain that this was a total accident and that I would write him a check for both maps. He removes the other map from his bankbox and I write him a check for 10,000 gold pieces. I place the check in the trade window and he places the map but then it happened again! I lose total control of my mind and body. The trade window quickly cancels, leaving the map in his bag. My hands reach into his pocket, steal his map, and bank both my check and the second map – all quicker than you can cast magic arrow!


Sometimes you don’t choose your destiny. Your destiny, chooses you. With my disguise blown I am removed from the guild. It seems I’m not cut out for living by the laws of life but damn it, I gave it a shot!

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